
KEF-2019 became The Largest Economic Policy Conference in Belarus
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Kastryčnicki Economic Forum (KEF) is a platform for open dialog on the sustainable development of Belarus in context of global economy. KEF-2019 conference “The Invisible Hand of Leviathan” took place in Minsk on October 31 – November 1, 2019 and gathered 797 participants.

Kastryčnicki Economic Forum  (KEF) is a platform for open dialog on the sustainable development of Belarus in context of global economy. Since its creation by IPM research center in concert with BEROC and CASE research network in 2013, all seven KEF-conferencies became a tradition of an open dialogue about the global economy and world trade in the autumn days.

The mission of the KEF is to contribute to the development of effective economy, responsible economic policy and attractive future for the people of Belarus.

KEF-2019 conference “The Invisible Hand of Leviathan” took place in Minsk on October 31 – November 1, 2019 and gathered 797 participants. Conference was attended by the representatives of government officials, local business, international organizations and journalists. KEF-2019 attracted tremendous interest and attention of media (100 journalists representing almost all Belarusian media as well as international ones). Thus, Forum was widely covered in the media in about 230 online media publications, including 12 TV reports about KEF-2019 (including reports in prime time: in the morning and evening news). Online broadcasting of the conference on the largest online news portal gathered about 23,000 viewers. 

KEF-2019 covered topics of free trade and Belarus’ access to world economy, challenges of regional development, monetary policy, export markets, Belarusian social security system and sustainable economic growth. KEF continues to demonstrate an increasing level of recognition and trust from various stakeholders. KEF conference holds its position of an inclusive platform where Belarusian decision-makers come to open reform debate, ideas and scenarios with various stakeholder groups thus affecting government policy.

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