Network publications

Capitalizing on Creativity at Work; Fostering the Implementation of Creative Ideas in Organizations
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How does one implement highly creative ideas in the workplace? Though creativity fuels modern businesses and organizations, imaginative ideas are less likely to be implemented than moderate ones. The crux of this issue is explored as contributors present and analyze remedies for capitalizing on highly creative ideas.

Editors Miha Škerlavaj (IMTA Alumnus), Matej Černe, Anders Dysvik and Arne Carlsen have gathered a large network of contributors across four continents to craft this relevant, evidence-based and holistic text. Multiple levels, methods, approaches and perspectives are all considered while focusing on a single research question. Chapters feature a combination of research-based materials, stories and short cases to show what can be done to implement highly creative ideas in the workplace.

This extremely relevant subject will be of interest to a large number of organizations worldwide that are looking to tap into the potential of highly creative and possibly useful ideas to build their competitive advantage. Specifically, management consultants in Human Resource Management, innovation, creativity, coaching, and/or leadership will find this book useful. It can also be used in Innovation Management MSc and MBA courses, executive education courses, as well as for PhD researchers and innovation management scholars.
