Membership Information

Why become CEEMAN member?

  • CEEMAN is a family of like-minded colleagues who share the same challenges of working, innovating and building institutions in changing markets. Deep friendships have often resulted from years of working together.
  • CEEMAN offers a wide portfolio of conferences, seminars, programs, publications and updates targeting the issues and challenges specific to its emerging markets membership. It is the only institution of its kind which provides these.
  • CEEMAN's leadership, Board and members are highly active. CEEMAN has always been committed to excellence, and paying attention to the latest developments is a CEEMAN trademark.
  • CEEMAN provides a unique "window on the world" with its particular focus on emerging markets. The CEEMAN network and speakers are truly global. World-famous educators and executives know CEEMAN can always be counted on to bring in those who can provide original new thinking and value to managers and management education.

Membership types and benefits

Institutional membership

An organization can become an Institutional member if it conforms to the following requirements:

  • It is an institution devoted to teaching and research in management;
  • It has available the required human, physical and financial resources for the achievement of its objectives, and has high academic standards of excellence.

Institutional membership fee: EUR 1,500 per academic year (1 September - 31 August).

Primary membership obligations:

  • Timely payment of annual membership fees;
  • Regular communication and sharing information on changes in institution’s management or contact.

Institutional membership procedure involves submission of an institutional membership application form and a recommendation letter from a dean of current member, followed by the respective membership fee payment upon the receipt of invoice from CEEMAN. The membership is considered active and is automatically renewed each academic year until written request for membership withdrawal is received and acknowledged by CEEMAN office. The membership is then cancelled starting with the upcoming academic year. 

CEEMAN Institutional membership application
Membership recommendation template

Institutional membership benefits:

  • preferential fees for all CEEMAN programs and events:
    • professional development programs for faculty and staff
    • international conferences
    • events organized in partnership with other institutions

For example, an institutional member’s discount for IMTA, a two-week faculty development program (, exceeds the amount of the annual membership fee, while for short programs and conferences the member’s discount is about 30%.

  • receiving all CEEMAN publications free of charge:
    • proceedings from CEEMAN conferences and forums
    • research reports
    • special publications (eg CEEMAN Dialogues)
  • placing announcements and calls for cooperation on CEEMAN website – sections Calendar of Events, Collaboration, News, Publications
  • having access to video materials and lectures on CEEMAN website
  • nominating faculty and staff members for CEEMAN Champion Awards (research, teaching, institution management, and responsible management education categories)
    • possibility to speak at, sponsor, co-organize and host CEEMAN annual conferences, executive education forums and other CEEMAN events
    • assistance in identifying potential partners within CEEMAN Network
  • access to a strong-knit and committed international network of schools, management development institutions and corporations working and interested in dynamically changing environments, which opens possibilities for cooperation and development
  • enjoying benefits from CEEMAN publishing partners which include major international publishers such as Emerald, Springer, Harvard Business School Publishing, Oxford University Press, Pearson Education, the Adizes Institute, and others
  • only institutional CEEMAN members are eligible to apply for CEEMAN’s International Quality Accreditation

Corporate membership

Corporate members may be organizations and companies interested and/or involved in management development in the transition and dynamically changing environments and willing to participate in, and support CEEMAN activities.

Corporate membership fee: EUR 2,500 per academic year (1 September - 31 August).

Primary membership obligations:

  • Timely payment of annual membership fees;
  • Regular communication and sharing information on changes in institution’s management or contact.

Corporate membership procedure involves submission of a corporate membership application form, followed by the respective membership fee payment upon the receipt of invoice from CEEMAN. The membership is considered active and is automatically renewed each academic year until written request for membership withdrawal is received and acknowledged by CEEMAN office. The membership is then cancelled starting with the upcoming academic year. 

CEEMAN Corporate membership application

Corporate membership benefits:

  • preferential fees for all CEEMAN programs and events:
    • educational programs for faculty and staff
    • international conferences  
    • deans & directors meetings
    • events organized in partnership with other institutions
  • receiving all CEEMAN publications free of charge:
    • proceedings from CEEMAN conferences and forums
    • case study collections
    • special publications (eg CEEMAN Dialogues)
    • access to video materials
  • placing announcements and calls for cooperation on CEEMAN website – sections Calendar of Events, Collaboration, News, Publications
  • speaking possibilities at CEEMAN annual conferences, executive education forums, and other events where the corporate world has a strong voice via sharing their experiences, needs and preferences related to business education and leadership development
  • assistance in identifying sources of managerial and leadership talent among CEEMAN member schools
  • assistance in identifying sources of educational research and consultancy expertise within CEEMAN network
  • assistance in identifying business schools and other partners for establishing learning partnerships and alliances
  • access to high quality management educators and researchers interested in case writing and research on emerging business and leadership challenges faced by the corporate world
  • access to a strong-knit and committed international network of schools, management development institutions and corporations working and interested in dynamically changing environments, which opens possibilities for cooperation and development
  • enjoying benefits from CEEMAN publishing partners which include major international publishers such as Emerald, Harvard Business School Publishing, Oxford University Press, Pearson Education, the Adizes Institute, and others
  • possibility to sponsor, co-organize and host CEEMAN annual conferences, executive education forums and other CEEMAN events

Individual membership

Individual members are professional affiliates: individuals of good academic standing in the area of business education; business managers committed to management development in their environment; individuals who are making a contribution to management development such as government officials etc.

Individual membership fee: EUR 150 per academic year (1 September - 31 August)

Individual membership procedure involves submission of an individual membership application form and CV/brief biography of the applicant, followed by respective membership fee paid upon the receipt of invoice from CEEMAN. The membership is considered active and is automatically renewed each academic year until written request for membership withdrawal is received and acknowledged by CEEMAN office. The membership is then cancelled starting with the upcoming academic year. 


Individual membership benefits:

  • preferential fees for all CEEMAN programs and events:
    • educational programs for faculty and staff
    • international conferences
    • deans&directors meetings
    • events organized in partnership with other institutions
  • receiving all CEEMAN publications free of charge:
    • proceedings from CEEMAN conferences and forums
    • case study collections
    • special publications (eg CEEMAN Dialogues)
    • access to video materials
  • placing announcements and calls for cooperation on CEEMAN website – sections Calendar of Events, Collaboration, News, Publications
  • assistance in identifying potential partners within CEEMAN Network
  • access to a strong-knit and committed international network of schools, management development institutions and corporations working and interested in dynamically changing environments, which opens possibilities for cooperation and development
  • enjoying benefits from CEEMAN publishing partners which include major international publishers such as Emerald, Harvard Business School Publishing, Oxford University Press, Pearson Education, the Adizes Institute, and others

Exchange membership

CEEMAN has signed a number of exchange (reciprocal) membership agreements with major national, regional and international associations. Depending on the profile and preferences of respective association, individual partnership agreement (memorandum of understanding) is developed. For more information, please contact us at