At SBS Swiss Business School – University of Applied Sciences Institute, we believe that managerial success in the 21st Century will be related to the ability to put business knowledge into practice in a way that can be understood and shared by all the stakeholders of the organization. In order to support this idea and contribute to excellence in management skills, SBS Swiss Business School – University of Applied Science Institute has launched the SBS Working Paper Series as part of its institutional research strategy.
The purpose of SBS-Working Papers is to create a fast channel for disseminating early-stage research findings and ideas from the work-in-progress by professors, lecturers, and students at SBS. In addition, provided that there is a co-author with SBS Swiss Business School affiliation, executives, policymakers and administrators in the private and public sectors, strategists, management consultants, and others interested in the field of first-class management and postgraduate education are also welcome to submit their work-in-progress to open up further discussion on their topics. SBS Working Papers also aim to promote academic discussion and strategic analysis for practitioners managing global competition in products and services for all sectors worldwide.
SBS Working Papers are available under