
Ksenia Yuzhaninova - Karadenizli joined Babson Collaborative for Entrepreneurship Education Advisory Board
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  • Members
We are pleased to announce that Ksenia Yuzhaninova - Karadenizli, Executive Director of the AlmaU School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, has joined the Babson Collaborative for Entrepreneurship Education Advisory Board. Composed of 6 of the world's leading experts among the Babson Collaborative Partners, this distinguished advisory body brings together experienced education professionals who strive to make a significant contribution at the international level.

The most important task of the board members of the advisory board is to represent the interests of our members and to help ensure the relevance, timeliness and value of the programs, benefits and services provided by the Collaborative. Through their extensive experience and fruitful collaboration over the years, board members help set the Babson Collaborative Directors' annual goals for collaboration, and provide feedback and guidance on member benefits, recognition, and engagement. In addition, board members professionally evaluate the submitted materials and decide on the winners of the annual awards competition. Their knowledge, experience, enthusiasm and dedication to global collaboration underline the value and mission of the Babson Collaborative. The composition of the board reflects the diversity of the global community, including different regions, types of institutions and areas of specialization, which contributes to a more inclusive and effective development.The addition of Ksenia Yuzhaninova-Karadenizli to the Babson Collaborative for Entrepreneurship Education Advisory Board confirms her excellent abilities and significant contribution to the fields of entrepreneurial education and innovation.

We are proud to have her as part of this unique group of experts and we are confident that her presence will contribute to the growth and development of our global network of entrepreneurial educational institutions.

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