
New Publication of the Lazarski University Publishing House
Publication source:
  • Members
The latest, peer-reviewed scientific monograph issued by the Publishing House of the Lazarski University is “The Contemporary Discourse of Human Rights: Crossroads of Theory and Practice” by Margaryta Khvostova.

The publication offers an insight into contemporary human rights discourse by providing an empirical analysis, which allows to assess the most frequently discussed issues related to that topic. It presents a comprehensive overview of human rights theory and – most importantly – the issue of its structural coherence being undermined by the over-stretching of the concept by new laws and promises. As a result, the originally succinct list of individual freedoms designed to curb government arbitrary powers has turned into an incredibly broad list of issues including transitive justice and animal rights. While these topics undoubtedly deserve attention and reflection, their place in the theory of human rights requires careful contemplation.

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