Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Department of Economics and Tourism, Pula, Croatia is inviting interested Higher Education Institutions (HEI) from the 27 EU countries (and Croatia), Western Balkans, Southern and Eastern neighbouring area and Central Asian countries (link: http://eurlex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:C:2012:375:0013:0016:EN:PDF) to participate in joint Tempus IV (6th call) project regarding curricular reform of innovation management i HEI and cooperation of HE and society. Deadline March 26th 2013.
The main goals of the project are: 1) HEI Curricular Reform – introducing and/or modernising innovation management courses in all levels of higher education, undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate; modernisation of curricula in academic disciplines identified in Partner Countries, using ECTS, the 3cycle system and the recognition of degrees. 2) Higher Education and Society – create educational modules for inventors in order to be able managing their own inventions and for successful commercialisation (lifelong learning for targeted groups, as well as for society in large); training of non-university teachers, development partnerships with enterprises and knowledge triangle education-research-innovation; qualifications frameworks. 3) Case Study – students in cooperation with inventors create case studies of successful cases involved in educational courses.
What is expected from the partners within the Tempus consortia: 1) to introduce, adapt, modernise and/or restructure existing courses of innovation management in all levels of HE; to establish the recognition of degrees with the Partner Countries; to develop and establish study programmes with a double or multiple degree or a joint degree and to disseminate the results; 2) to launch educational modules for inventors in cooperation with associations of inventors and/or SME (Small and Medium Entrepreneurs); 3) to engage students in Case Study creation process.
If you are interested in participation in this project and need more information, please contact Project Coordinator Violeta Sugar via e-mail: violeta.sugar@unipu.hr.