CSB CUE, energized by its EFMD EPAS accreditation, is enhancing the MBA program range, offering new postgraduate professional programs and preparing for new international accreditations. CSB CUE is seeking new partnerships with CEEMAN members in degree provision, joint programs and business education.
A proud CEEMAN member, Cracow School of Business CUE is accelerating its international accreditation activity. Awarded the EFMD EPAS for its Executive MBA, the School is now embarking on a multi-year program of seeking international accreditations at the programmatic and institutional level as confirmation of the achieved academic quality. At the same time, CSBs parent institution, Cracow University of Economics is beginning its international accreditation journey as well, and working closely with CEEMAN is a good strategy to achieve recognition.
Coming out of the pandemic education climate, CSB is now seeking to enhance its prominence as a leading provider of MBA programs in Poland, redeveloping and widening its offer of professional managerial education in English and Polish, providing its students with cutting-edge education. Post-Covid, means enhanced use of digital technologies and changes to teaching methodologies, with a reappraisal of program content and increased feedback on learning outcomes. A new approach to study, teaching, human interactions and the importance of continuous learning and development. CSB is embracing the new reality by adding new MBAs on campus and away.
New opportunities call for new partnerships, and here CSB is seeking CEEMAN member institutions to form program partnerships in MBA and other post-graduate professional programs to benefit from strengthened academic offerings that will be appreciated by students in Europe and internationally. Also, the School wants to better utilize the amazing campus in Krakow, the historical capital of Poland, a current academic hub and a city ideal for short and long visits for study, tourism, relaxation and art.
Cracow University of Economics, CSBs parent institution, is also seeking to enhance its cooperation within the CEEMAN network. The University is keen to enhance its mobility of staff and students and develop research cooperation within inter-institutional partnerships and as part of wider EU framework systems. CUE seeks new partners to establish new program cooperation at all levels, wanting to enhance its offer ad strengthen intra-European linkages for mutual benefits, while offering its degrees to Polish, European and international students.
If you are interested in cooperation with Cracow School of Business, please contact Marcin Duszynski at duszynsm@uek.krakow.pl.
Learn more about the educational offer in Cracow School of Business at: https://www.ksb.biz.pl/en-GB.
Also check postgraduate programs in Polish: https://www.ksb.biz.pl/pl-PL/catalog/studia-podyplomowe.
MBA Studies:
Executive MBA:
International MBA:
MBA CSB + Master: