
Law and Justice in the Eyes of Kazakhstani Youth
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In the near future, the young generation of Kazakhstanis will become the key force behind the development of the legal system in the country. The Eurasian Center for Economics and Law Research of Narxoz School of Law and Public Policy (ECELR) presents a study of the students’ perception of law, rights and justice in Kazakhstan.

A study "The Right of Future Generations” was based on essays of more than 150 students submitted to the International Law Competition of the School of Law and Public Policy in January - March 2020. The students were asked to write an essay analyzing a quote by a French writer Victor Hugo in which it was proposed to analyze the statement of the French leader Victor Hugo “Law is all that is true and fair.”

This study presents an analysis of how this generation - secondary students from all over the country - understands the issues of law, justice, and the role and place of the state in ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens.

Key findings, supported by examples from history and current events, provide important insights for understanding the challenges related to developing public trust in the legal system and improving the credibility of state institutions in Kazakhstan. Young Kazakhstanis repeatedly referred to the historic traditional forms of justice administered by the “biys”, i.e. elected judges tasked with applying customary law to solve disputes in 15-18th century.

According to the study, young people value equality and participation to a great degree, resent corruption and violations of human rights, including the right to life, peaceful assembly etc. The findings also reflect on the need to improve legal education at the secondary education level in order to meet the need for the citizens to be able to know and exercise their rights.

Information about the authors:

Narxoz Law and Public Policy offers a range of high-quality undergraduate and graduate programs in law and public administration, including dual degree programs with universities in Europe and the US. Part of a university with a long history, Narxoz Law and Public Policy has managed to not only build a classical system of legal education, but also take a leading position in the field of training lawyers in the country. For more information, please visit our website:

Eurasian Center for Economics and Law Research of Narxoz Law and Public Policy carries out research that supports response to the key challenges in the field of legal and economic policy on the national and global level. The Center provides support to the research activities of Narxoz University and collaborates with partners in Kazakhstan and abroad to deliver relevant and timely solutions. Website: Contact:

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