Network publications

Inspiring Governments
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Visualizing governments to be a source of inspiration is not an easy task. However, using the method of observation, absorption and reflection, as the author has called in his earlier "Handbook of Inspiration Economy" can smoothen this exploration journey ride.

A reflective review of the future "Inspiring governments" expected and required transformation from competitiveness to inspirational based economy.

The author focuses first on the history of governments’ productivity with direct focus on competitiveness. The concept of scarcity and abundance in the practices of government are compared to inspiring governments. The book argues about the importance of 'inspiring government' in the near future for better stability and sustainable reviving society. Inspiration role in creating lean, learning, innovative, quality of life governments are being compared. Inspirational competitiveness and government innovation are discussed in relevance to building more agile and totally engaged governments. The book discusses the mechanisms and sources of inspiration in government and even give examples on indicators. The citizens’ expectations and mind-set during an inspiration based economy are also reviewed. The book is full of examples of future expected practices of inspiring governments which serves as a kick start for further studies in this area.

Table of contents: Brief on Inspiring Governments Book-w Table of Content

Inspiring Governments link on

Written by: 
Mohamed Buheji, Phd

Edited by
Aamir Hasan
Fatima Al-Riyami

For further information please contact: 

Dr Mohamed Buheji , Tel +973-33388150

Cover of the Book Photo & Design by- Abdulla Mohamed Buheji, BSc.