
Stakeholder Management and Social Responsibility: Concepts, Approaches and Tools in the Covid Context
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You are kindly invited to read a new book titled “Stakeholder Management and Social Responsibility: Concepts, Approaches and Tools in the Covid Context”, written by Ovidiu Nicolescu and Ciprian Nicolescu. The book was recently published by Routldge.
The book contains several original and challenging managerial and social concepts and approaches, such as:
  • New managerial vision and new management paradigm “manager relevant stakeholder” instead of “manager-subordinate”.
  • Two innovative managerial mechanisms -“managerial synapse and company relevant stakeholder based management system”- designed to implement the new managerial vision and paradigm.
  • New concept “company relevant stakeholder responsibility” instead of “corporate social responsibility”.
  • New concept “pentagon of company relevant stakeholders responsibilities” instead of “Caroll’s pyramid of corporate social responsibility”.

These innovative elements are conceived taking into consideration the difficulties, challenges and opportunities generated by the digital transformations, transition to the knowledge based economy and the Coronavirus crisis.

The book can be accessed here: