
The Use of Technology in Management Education – Insights from CEEMAN Network
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The survey (conducted in 2014) looks, among other things, at the share of institutions that include technology-facilitated content delivery in their programs (either in fully online or blended format), management subjects that are more often covered with the help of technology, use of technology tools to enhance teaching-learning experiences, extent of use and perceived effectiveness of various online marketing tools and social media, the use of massive open online courses (MOOCs), as well as the use of technology tools and systems in the institution’s operations or administration.

It also explores the demand for seminars and workshops on the use of technology in management education for teaching and learning, marketing and communications, and operations, which CEEMAN could organize for its members in the future.

In addition, best practices and success stories on the use of technology in management education from CEEMAN members (representing 11 countries) are presented in the end of this report, and we would be happy to hear more such examples from our member schools. Please contact us at if you would like to include your example on the use of technology to the report.