The 1st AIB-CEE Chapter conference “Competitiveness of the CEE Region in the Global Economy” invites competitive and/or discussion papers for several thematic tracks. Submission deadline is 23 June 2014. The conference aims to enhance the discussion and cooperation of scholars and professionals in the field of international business (IB) and competitiveness, focusing on and/or living in the CEE region.
Central and Eastern Europe is assumed to constitute a major lens and common denominator of all the papers. The conference theme is to encourage both IB and competitiveness academics and professionals to submit their papers which have this specific focus. The preliminary track description shows the highlighted fields where submissions are especially welcome, and papers on other IB and competitiveness topics are also accepted. However, submissions from other areas are also possible, provided that they contribute directly to international business scholarship with a focus on Central and Eastern Europe.
Two anonymous referees will evaluate the submitted papers. Authors of submitted papers are kindly requested to review up to 2 submitted papers. Nomination for best paper award is part of the review process. Accepted papers are published in conference proceedings, and will be considered for a journal special volume. See more about paper submission process and requirements.
Conference website: