LEADERSHIP Magazine, the official publication of CLADEA (The Latin American Council of Schools of Management) would like to invite you to collaborate with its No. 33rd Edition - December 2014.
The topics are: Success cases, articles that include statistics, investigations and reports about: Management, Leadership, innovation and education in business schools , Marketing, Economics.
- The format is the following: A4, Arial 10, simple space.
- Two pages - 1000 words.
- The articles will be published in English as well as in Spanish.
- The authors will send full name, company name or institution, position, email and photography in high resolution.
November 07th, 2014
Contact: Mr. Jose Tolentino, Communications Director of CLADEA. E- mail: jtolentino@cladea.org comunicaciones@cladea.org
Additional Information:
The articles are analyzed and evaluated by the Editorial Committee.
If you like to participate with another academic, we will be pleased to receive it.
Those articles that were not published in this edition will be published on Leadership Website: www.revistaleadership.com or in http://www.cladea.org/cladea_online