The Academy of Business and Retail Management (ABRM) announces a Call for Papers for the publication of a book entitled “Globalisation Revisited: A global phenomenon under the microscope” to be edited by professor P.R.Banerjee and Dr P.R.Datta. Interested authors are invited to contribute chapter(s) in the book.
Globalisation has become one of the watchwords of the latter Twentieth and early Twentieth First century. Whilst globalisation is written and talked about in a general sense this book seeks to take stock and reflect on the ‘era of globalisation’ through a series of regional case studies aimed at elucidating examples of globalisation in action. The book will begin with an attempt to define ‘globalisation’ as well as to give a brief history of the theoretical nature of globalisation along with schools of thought about the nature and purpose of the topic. It will also present a brief explanation of how globalisation itself has inadvertently assisted those individuals and organisations who are committed to containing or curtailing that which they refer to as globalisation.
For more information, please contact Rabindra Bhowal,