Co-organizers CEEMAN and the PRME Secretariat invite contributions of inspirational case stories for inclusion in the 2013 PRME Summit – 5th Annual Assembly, scheduled for 25-26 September 2013 in Bled, Slovenia. The Summit will focus on New Ways of Developing Leaders for the Future We Want, which will be discussed through the four inter-related sessions based on the 4 “I”s of PRME:
- Inspiration
- Innovation
- Implementation
- Impact
*Inspirational case stories, to be submitted in the format noted below, should focus on Impact.*
Based on a blind review process, selected cases will be published as a resource material of the 2013 PRME Summit. Authors of the selected case stories are expected to register for the event.
Submission and review timeline:
- Case story submission: 30 April 2013
- Blind review, selection and author notification: Before 3 June 2013
- Publication: End of August, early September 2013
Requested format for contribution:
Name, affiliation, address, and email address of the author (sent by email to Ms. Špela Horjak, CEEMAN Head of Operations, at with the Case Story (500-1,000 words) in attachment:
- INTRODUCTION (50-200 Words)
Paragraph that introduces/highlights what category of Impact (related to the Six Principles for Responsible Management Education) the case story addresses:
P3 – Method/Curriculum Change
P4 – Research/Publication
P5 – Partnership
P6 – Dialogue
CASE STORY (500-800 Words)
1. Challenges faced
2. Actions taken
3. Results/Benefits (already materialized and/or expected)
4. 3+ bullet points on the role of PRME/sustainability principles