CEEMAN has partnered with Emerald Open Research to develop a dedicated collection featuring contributions from our members on the topic of responsible management and promote effective transfer of key insights to practitioners, policy makers, and fellow educators.
The collection invites a diverse range of pieces including but not limited to:
- Research that sheds new light on responsible management issues
- Case studies demonstrating best practice or areas for development
- Opinion pieces that offer considered views supported by evidence on key issues or developments
- Methodologies that offer tools for educators both within academic and industry settings
Please see the list of potential articles types here. Responsible management issues require holistic responses and proposals featuring cross-disciplinary authorship or including contributors from outside as well as within academia will be particularly welcome. Delivered through the Emerald Open Research platform, this work will reach the widest possible audience.
The collection will feature ten pieces with no article processing charges payable by authors as the initiative is supported by Emerald.
Emerald Open Research operates an innovative and transparent system of review and commentary facilitating debate around fundamental responsible management issues and encouraging voices from beyond academia.
Submission information:
Contribution proposals should be sent to CEEMAN Director Olga Veligurska (olga.veligurska@ceeman.org) by 15 May 2020. These should include: article type (please choose from the list of potential articles types available here) and a 500-word executive summary focusing on the applicability of the work, as creating positive societal impact is a key aim of the project.
Review of submitted proposals will take place by the end of May and will be overseen by a group comprising CEEMAN and Emerald representatives. Selection will be on a competitive basis.
Successful proposals will be requested to submit a full piece comprising 3,000-5,000 words following the submissions guidelines on the Emerald Open Research platform by the end of July to enter the open peer review process leading to publication.
Further information: