We kindly invite you to submit papers for the conference organized by the Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland under the title “Workers and Firms in Global Production Networks: Policy Implications”. Conference will be held online on 27-28.05.2021.
The main topics to be discussed during the conference are related to labour market effects of production fragmentation and value added trade (including, but not restricted to, the effects on: wages, working conditions, employment or productivity; all analysed with worker-, firm- and industry-level data).
Project participants and international experts in the field of international trade, GVC and labour market analysis will present their research. The Keynote speakers are as follows:
- Pol Antràs (Harvard University)
- Daniel Baumgarten (University of Munich - LMU)
- Holger Görg (Kiel Institute for the World Economy)
- Bart Los (University of Groningen)
The conference presents the research conducted during the project “Effects of global production networks on employment, earnings and factor allocation in the presence of workers, firms and tasks heterogeneity”, funded by the National Science Centre, Poland (Narodowe Centrum Nauki, NCN), grant agreement DEC-2015/19/B/HS4/02884). Project website: https://zie.pg.edu.pl/opus_gvc/.
Abstract submission deadline: 31 March 2021.
For further questions please contact: gvc@zie.pg.gda.pl
More info on https://zie.pg.edu.pl/opus_gvc/final-conference