The digitalizing of economy has become a crucial driver of global economy in recent years. More and more volumes of trade and services are flowing electronically using modern technologies what helps saving costs, improves responding demands faster than ever before, helps identifying customers’ needs and increases quality of products.
This raises questions how single countries can contribute in creating attractive conditions for emerging forms of businesses and how they can benefit from this digitalizing the economy. The 3rd AIB-CEE annual conference will therefore focus on issues such as new forms of businesses, role of digital economy in Central Europe, digital entrepreneurship and possible impacts of digital economy on competitiveness and economic growth in Central Europe. The conference will also deal with other key aspects of current trends in international business. We want to foster cooperation among business people, scholars and specialists from Central and Eastern Europe in doing International Business research, disseminating its outcomes and improving International Business education.
The plenary sessions will focus on current trends and challenges that Europe and single countries are facing. Among others members of European Commission or experts from World Economic Forum are among invited speakers.
Our discussions in the academic panels will concentrate around following broadly defined conference tracks:
1. Competitiveness of the CEE Regions, its Industries and Firms
2. Disruptive business models and foreign expansion
3. Specifics of Financial Management in CEE countries
4. Internationalization of SMEs and born globals
5. IB Teaching and Research in the CEE Region
6. FDI and trade in CEE
7. New Forms of International Marketing in the CEE region. How they can be captured?
8. MNEs, their Subsidiaries and Value Chains in the CEE Region
9. International HRM and Cross-Cultural Management
10. Corporate Governance
We hope that within the above mentioned tracks everybody will find an appropriate topic that will suit his/her interests and/or needs. We invite all interested parties to submit paper and panel proposals accordingly. For the full description of tracks see the conference website:
Conference sessions will provide the opportunity to broadly discuss ideas included in the papers. All the scientific papers accepted and presented at the conference will be placed for publication in cooperation with the AIB-CEE Chapter scientific journals (subject to their acceptance). The conference will take place at the premises of the University of Economics, Prague.
Important dates
May 4th, 2016 – Submission system opens
July 15th, 2016 – Deadline for papers and panel proposals submissions
July 25th, 2016 – Information on acceptance/rejection of papers and panel proposals
Fee Payment & Registration:
by July 30th, 2016 – Early Registration Conference Fee
by August 30th, 2016 – Regular Registration Conference Fee
August 31–September 15, 2016 – Late Registration Conference Fee