The 8th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business will take place in Verona, Italy on 16-18 September 2015 and welcomes papers in several tracks under the general topic of INNOVATION, ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SUSTAINABLE VALUE CHAIN IN A DYNAMIC ENVIRONMENT.
Conference tracks include:
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Cross – Cultural Management
- Diversity and Conflict
- EntrepreneurshipFinance
- Innovation
- International Business and Management
- Marketing
- Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources Management
- Public Management
- Strategic Management
- Tourism
- Wine, Food and Agribusiness Management
- General Tracks
Please submit your paper or abstract to and to by strictly adhering to the Author Guidelines and by using the Manuscript Template found on the conference website ( Submission Deadline: March 23rd, 2015
Research Project Workshop
The workshop will take place on the 16th of September. The exact Time and Location of the workshop will be announced in due course at the conference website. Please, register for the workshop, sending an email to Prof Hans Ruediger Kaufmann
Authors’ Networking and Collaboration Workshop
The workshop will take place on the 16th of September. The exact Time and Location of the workshop will be announced in due course at the conference website. Please, register for the workshop, sending an email to Dr Evangelos Tsoukatos
Meet the Editors Session
In order to enhance our conference participants’ network, every year we hold a Meet the Editors session. At this session, taking place during the conference, all Journal Editors, Associate Editors or Guest Editors who participate at the Conference present their journals to the Conference Participants. This also gives the opportunity to participants to network and meet with the editors and benefit from any publishing opportunities. For more information please contact Dr Yioula Melantiou
Doctoral Seminars
- Doctoral Seminar on Mergers &Acquisitions
For more details, please visit conference website or email Prof. Yaakov Weber or Dr. Shlomo Tarba
- Doctoral Seminar on Management
For more details, please visit the conference website or email Dr Evangelos Tsoukatos
- Doctoral Seminar on Marketing
For more details, please, visit the conference website or email Prof. Demetris Vrontis ( or Prof. Hans Ruediger Kaufmann (
For more information, please visit