ISAE Brazilian Business School and the Professional Master in Governance and Sustainability are pleased to announce the call for papers for the eighth CR3+ Conference in Corporate Responsibility, Sustainability, Governance and Innovation, to be held on 28-29 October 2021 on the theme ‘Innovation shaping a sustainable future’.
Hosted by ISAE Business School in Curitiba, the conference will be online with hybrid participation for those who can travel.
We invite you to submit an extended abstract to one of the following tracks:
TRACK 01 Role of government in enabling sustainable business incubation
TRACK 02 Social innovation in the age of Sustainable Development Goals: Time to think more holistically?
TRACK 03 Innovation for Tackling Modern Slavery in Corporate Supply Chains
TRACK 04 Grassroots and Community Innovation for Sustainability
TRACK 05 Ageing management for a sustainable work Market
TRACK 06 Sustainable Development Education in the edge of the Anthropocene
TRACK 07 Fostering Responsible Innovation across National Business Systems and Industry Sectors
TRACK 08 Resilient Cities: Challenges and Possibilities
TRACK 09 Turning problems into solutions from the circular economy: sustainability and innovation in urban and rural environments
We have a tenth ‘open track’ for papers that do not fit in the above tracks but would fit in the main theme of the conference.
For more information about the tracks, please check the CR3+ website.
More information about Special Issues related to the conference to be released below.
The conference will bring together experts from different countries to present their papers and talk about the main challenges to shape a sustainable future. CR3+ is a collaborative initiative of four PRME champions: Audencia Business School (France), Hanken School of Economics (Finland), ISAE FGV (Brazil) and La Trobe Business School (Australia). These champions have been working together since 2008, with the aim to exchange ideas, pedagogical processes, curriculum and research in the area of corporative responsibility.
Important Dates and Practical Information:
Abstract Submission deadline: 25 April 2021
Author notification: 16 May 2021
Full-Paper Submission Deadline: 09 July 2021
Conference dates: 28-29 October 2021
Please submit your detailed abstract to
Click here to access author guidelines for submitting your abstract.
For more information about the conference, check the conference website or send an email to
We hope that you will join us in Curitiba or online and contribute to the conference with your paper!
Thanks for sharing this call for papers with your colleagues.
CR3+ 2021 Organizing Committee
ISAE Brazilian Business School