We cordially invite you to submit your contributions to the WSB Journal of Business and Finance (eISSN: 2657-4950). WSBJBF is an international scientific journal published by WSB Merito University Gdansk since 2008. The Journal promotes theoretical and applied research in the areas of business, finance, and management.
We accept the following types of papers:
- Research – that presents the author’s output within primary research;
- Case studies – that present the experience from the application of existing methods or procedures and bring relevant findings that could be valuable for the research area;
- Review articles – that present the systematic review or comparative study of already known knowledge.
Thematic scopes of the WSB Journal of Business and Finance focus on the following areas: Management, Entrepreneurship, Enterprise Economics, Macroeconomics, Strategic Foresight, Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Transportation, Accounting and Finance, International Trade and Finance, Marketing, and Quantitative Methods.
Manuscripts will go through a fast, rigorous, and efficient peer-review process, and the accepted articles will be published as open-access. No publication fees are also involved for any papers submitted to this journal. All articles published will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read, download, diffuse, and discuss. This will help increase the visibility and potential impact of your paper.
Submit papers to redakcja@gdansk.merito.pl
Link to more info:
WSB Journal of Business and Finance (sciendo.com)
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