19th- 20th of May 2016, Steyr/Austria
We are pleased to announce for the 5th time the international Cross-Cultural Business Conference 2016 at
the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria. The conference is embedded in the annual “International
Week”. This means that on Tuesday the 17th of May and on Wednesday the 19th of May 2016 professors are
welcome to give lectures at our School of Management in Steyr while on Thursday the 19th and Friday the
20th of May 2016 our Cross-Cultural Business Conference will be taking place. The programme for Thursday
will focus on presentations of the academic contributions while our practitioners’ day is planned for Friday.
The conference provides a platform for lecturers, researchers and practitioners to enhance their knowledge
and discuss latest developments in the fields of management, business, higher education and
information and communication technology (ICT) as well as innovation. Join the Cross-Cultural Business
Conference also for taking advantage of many networking opportunities and a cozy, familiar atmosphere
on campus.
Authors are encouraged to prepare and submit
papers for the following sessions:
Intercultural Perspectives in:
- Session A: Global Business, Marketing, Sales
and Service Management
- Session B: Higher Education Research
- Session C: Higher Education Teaching and
- Session D: Innovation
- Session E: Human Resource Management
Participants are more than welcome to register online at www.conftool.net/ccbc2016/. Deadline for submitting an abstract is December 14th 2015. To download the call for papers please contact the conference homepage www.fh-ooe.at/ccbc2016 or for any further questions please contact us and write an E-Mail to cc-conference@fh-steyr.at.
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