- Carole Parkes, Professor of Management, Global Issues & Responsible Management, Winchester Business School, UK
- Anthony F. Buono, Professor of Management & Sociology, Bentley University, USA
- Ghada Howaidy, Executive Director, Office of Strategic Alignment, School of Business, The American University in Cairo, Egypt
As the educators of the next and current generation of business leaders, university business schools are in an unique position to influence the mindsets and actions of some of the largest organisations on the planet. Many forward thinking business schools have recognised their opportunities and responsibilities and joined the United Nations’ Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME) initiative. PRME were first published at the 2007 at the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit in Geneva, Switzerland, attended by more than 1,000 business, civil society, and government leaders. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon set out the potential benefits of the PRME in his closing remarks: “The Principles for Responsible Management Education have the capacity to take the case for universal values and business into classrooms on every continent.”
“ 2017 will mark the 10th Anniversary of the Principles and this Special Issue is perfectly timed to bring together contributions in research from across the globe on the key challenges in Responsible Management Education to inform and shape future research and practice”
- Jonas Haertle Head of PRME Secretariat
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (and their associated 169 target areas) include an ambitious agenda to resolve a broad range of challenges: poverty, food, health, education, women, water, energy, economy, infrastructure, Inequality, habitation, consumption, climate, marine ecosystems, ecosystems, institutions for peace and sustainable development.
In a declaration issued at the conclusion of the 2015 PRME Global Forum for Responsible Management Education, participants not only reaffirmed support for PRME, made commitments to enhance the quality of the PRME initiative individually, institutionally and collectively as a community, but also called for governments, business leaders, accrediting bodies, rankings providers, and UN system entities to support management educators in their key role in developing future leaders and helping to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In her closing statement at the PRME Global Forum, Susana Malcorra, Chef de Cabinet, spoke on behalf of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, saying, “today, I am encouraged to see the progress you have made—individually, at your academic institutions, and as a community” and recognising that “as educators, researchers, and thought leaders, your role [in achieving the SDGs] is essential.”
Working towards achieving the SDGs provides a range of challenges for Responsible Management Education moving forward, not only in curriculum design and pedagogy, but also in building partnerships within and across our institutions and communities locally and globally.
This call therefore welcomes papers that:
1. demonstrate the impact of different aspects of Responsible Management Education and identify effective practice at the individual course, program, cross-institutional levels; and
2. explore different aspects of the Sustainable Development Goals, setting out educational strategies, policies and practices that demonstrate, or have the potential to demonstrate, impact in the context of the SDGs.
Papers can include presenting theories, models, research, reviews, critiques, case histories, and qualitative/quantitative or mixed method studies that examine teaching, learning, and development in Responsible Management Education, including those that reflect the voice of students. Studies will be considered in a regional, national and/or international context, and papers from diverse global regional contexts are encouraged. Single discipline, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary studies are also welcome.
Submission Guidelines
The deadline for submissions is 18th November 2016 and should be submitted via the journal’s online submission system available through the journal homepage:
or directly via: ees.elsevier.com/ijme
choosing “ SI PRME” as the article type from the drop down menu.
All papers should follow the guidelines outlined by the journal for submission: www.elsevier.com/journals/the-international-journal-of-management-education/1472-8117/guide-for-authors
All submissions will be subject to a rigorous double-blind review process and invitations to revise and resubmit will follow initial submissions.
Additional information can be obtained from and expressions of interest can be sent to:
Carole Parkes at Carole.Parkes@winchester.ac.uk
PRME Conferences/Events (see www.unprme.org/events/index.php)
PRME Brazil