The aim of this book is to present an edited collection of innovations in teaching methods, module development and program design that integrate the issue of poverty into business/ management courses and curricula around the world.
The book responds to the major research findings of the PRME Working Group on Poverty (2012) that:
- Faculty are interested in the topic of poverty but need discipline and cross-discipline focused examples of "what works" to jump start topic inclusion;
- Faculty need strategies for working with academic leaders (deans, administrators) to bring about departmental and school level change; and
- Faculty want examples of "best practices" to stimulate their thinking.
This book attempts to respond to those issues. Additionally, this book complements our first book (forthcoming) 'Socially Responsive Organizations and the Challenge of Poverty', an edited collection of chapters that discusses why poverty is an important topic for management education. The aim of this companion volume is to provide the how of teaching and integrating the issue of poverty into all levels of management education worldwide.
Program/module descriptions, descriptions of organizational change strategies, and descriptions of faculty development programs are encouraged. Cases that include a discussion of classroom use are welcome. Also chapters that deal with local, regional or national contexts of the topics listed below are eagerly sought. The book aims to consider all levels of management education from undergraduate, through masters/post graduate, executive and doctoral level studies.
The topic list below is suggestive of the broad range of categories under which we are accepting contributions. The list is not exhaustive, and the editors welcome topics not mentioned here that contribute to the book's maim themes.
Possible Topics
I. 21st century management education: Making the case for the inclusion of poverty
Building a conceptual case for the inclusion of poverty in management education
Research on business faculty views of poverty as a relevant management topic
UN's Sustainable Development Goals.
II. Teaching Innovations
A. Within the disciplines: Management, marketing, economics, statistics, operations management, human resource management, strategy, entrepreneurship, finance, accounting, leadership, change management [a broad range of pedagogies can be considered: cases, active/experiential learning activities, video-based activities, team/group projects, use of social media (Wikis, blogs), etc.]
B. In inter-disciplinary settings
C. Through service/community learning; study trips
D. Through co-curricular activities: Student-run activities, competitions/contests
E. Through student-faculty research projects
F. Regional/Geographic perspectives
III. Program/Module/Curricular/Assessment Innovation
A. Radical designs/redesigns to programs/modules/curricula/assessment
B. On line and web based materials, social media use
C. E-learning platforms, MOOCs (Massively Open Online Courses)
D. Partnerships: community, regional, with Global Compact
IV. Faculty Development and Institutional Change strategies
A. Strategies to address challenges concerning faculty attitudes and faculty development
B. Strategies to address challenges concerning administrators (deans, chairs, institutional leaders)
C. Strategies related to Executive Education (in-company programs)
V: Conclusion: Where are we now, where do we still need to go?
A. Reflections on the issue of poverty in relation to responsible/sustainable management
B. Reflections of the issue of poverty in relation to 21st century management practice
The book takes a global perspective and chapters that deal with teaching, program and course innovations in local, regional or national contexts are sought. This edited collection is intended for faculty members, trainers and administrators who are interested in new ways to engage students with the complex relationship between poverty and organizational/business practice.
Authors are invited to propose topics and ideas in the form of an extended abstract or of not
more than 500 words. Abstracts should include the following information in the following order:
1) Proposed chapter title
2) Name and affiliation of each author including email address. Co-authored proposals must identify the corresponding author.
3) Chapter focus, which should include an explicit statement of chapter aims/goals
4) Summary of the chapter's main ideas and perspectives
5) Chapter's contribution to furthering the inclusion of poverty issues/discussions in management education
6) A suggested placement in the book based on the sections outlined in the above list of possible topics
Please send proposed abstracts to: PovertyBook2@gmail.com. Deadline for receiving abstracts is 30 January, 2014.
Abstract submission: 30th January 2014
Notification to authors: 28 February 2014
Full chapter submission: 30 May 2014
Revised chapter submission: 1 September 2014
Publication date (tentative): Spring/Summer 2015
Guest Editors
Milenko Gudic, International Management Teachers Academy, CEEMAN: Milenko.Gudic@iedc.si
Carole Parkes, Aston Business School: c.l.parkes@aston.ac.uk
Al Rosenbloom, Dominican University: