Argumenta Oeconomica
„Argumenta Oeconomica” – an English language scientific journal published by Wrocław University of Economics since 1995 and supervised by the International Scientific Council since 1998 – has an established reputation in academic circles. The journal is covered in Thomson Reuters services (Social Sciences Citation Index, Social Scisearch, and Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition) and in Elsevier’s Scopus.
Its subject range embraces articles in economics, management and finance, book reviews, and inaugural lectures.The aim of „Argumenta Oeconomica” is to further involve academics with the major questions concerning economics and management today. The journal is therefore open for contributions from economists and management as well as finance specialists both in Poland and abroad. All the necessary information (concerning e.g. the fee, the review process, the template) can be found on the website:
Biblioteka Regionalisty/ Regional Journal
It is a journal prepared by the employees of the Department of Spatial Economy and Local Government Administration which aim is to share knowledge and disseminate research results conducted in the field of regional development. The journal includes such issues as: regional policy, spatial development (paying attention to regional and local devolopment), metropolisation at the time of knowledge economy, finance of local government units, security in space as well as creativity and innovation of regional economy. All the necessary information (concerning e.g. the fee, the review process, the template) can be found on the website:
Didactics of Mathematics
Published by the Department of Mathematics and Cybernetics since 2000. The aim of this journal is to improve methods of teaching of mathematics and related subjects (statistics, operational research and mathematical economics) on economic studies as well as to exchange experience by all people engaged in teaching. It publishes both articles presenting original educational concepts, genaral and synthetic works and discussion papers dealing with the basis of maths and the ways of knowledge verification as well as opinions and reports from conferences and meetings concerning teaching of mathematics and quantitative subjects. All the necessary information (concerning e.g. the fee, the review process, the template) can be found on the website:
Ekonometria/ Econometrics
It is a continuation of ”Informatyka i Ekonometria” series published in 1996 and 1997 within Scientific Works of the University of Economics in Wrocław. The articles concern both theoretical and applicative aspects of econometrics, statistics and mathematics methods. Application workspace of econometrics, statistics and mathematics methods involves widely understood economic problems (including macro and microeconomic statistical and econometric analyses, analysis and modeling of market data, capital investments and insurance. Social and demographic analyses encompass the problems of education, labour market, unemployment, poverty, etc. A lot of articles are cyclical, they present results of long-term research and include discussions with reviewers of earlier works. It helps follow the progress of scientific research, which inspires to take new scientific challenges. All the necessary information (concerning e.g. the fee, the review process, the template) can be found on the website:
Ekonomia XXI Wieku/ Economics of the 21st Century
The journal is a continuation of ”Ekonomia i Międzynarodowe Stosunki Gospodarcze”, ”Gospodarka a Środowisko” series and ”Ekonomia” journal. The purpose of the journal is to provide a public forum to exchange opinions and effects of research concerning various fields of economics. In particular, these fields include history of economic thought, micro-, macro- and international economics, industrial organization, international business, agricultural, ecological, urban, rural and regional economics. The journal is going to gain a position of a primary source of knowledge on economics.
Authors represent the most recognized universities in Poland and abroad. At the same time reviewers come from the most renown universities in Poland (to ensure impartiality excluding Wrocław University of Economics) and abroad: Germany, Great Britain, Switzerland, Italy and Japan. Only original manuscripts of 30.000-40.000 signs in Polish or English are accepted. Deadlines for texts submissions are: 28th February, 31st May, 31st August, 30th November. All the necessary information (concerning e.g. the fee, the review process, the template) can be found on the website:
Informatyka Ekonomiczna/ Business Informatics
The journal is a continuation of ”Informatyka i Ekonometria” series published in 1996 and 1997 as part of Scientific Works of the University of Economics in Wrocław. It provides a wide choice of scientific articles presenting opinions and reflections connected with the creation, improvement and using new technologies in oganisations. The articles present contemporary scientific directions and emerging trends in the cooperation between economic operators and scientific centres. More and more often the discussed issues are connected with IT problems resulting from globalisation. Among the authors are researchers from all Polish universities dealing with business informatics as well as representatives of leading IT companies from Poland, such as: Comarch, BPSC, Unit 4. At the same time more and more authors from abroad publish in the journal owing to the cooperation with foreign research centres and international IT companies. All the necessary information (concerning e. g. the fee, the review process, the template) can be found on the website:
Nauki Inżynierskie i Technologie/ Engineering Sciences and Technologies
It is a continuation of a journal which has been published for over 40 years in the series of Scientific Works of the University of Economics. Owing to the introduction of new criteria of scientific journals assessment, it started to be published as a quarterly (earlier as a yearbook) in 2011. It includes both scientific and research papers and review papers in Polish and English language, reviewed articles as well as coverage of the domestic and international conference and discussions on the latest publications in the field of food and nutrition technology, chemical technology, microbiology, biotechnology, commodity science and assurance of food quality and safety. All the necessary information (concerning e. g. the fee, the review process, the template) can be found on the website:
Nauki o Finansach/ Financial Studies
It is a continuation of ”Finanse i Bankowość” (1995-2003) and ”Finanse, Bankowość, Rachunkowość” (2004-2008) journals published as part of Scientific Works of the University of Economics in Wrocław. It is usually divided into public finance, finance markets, enterprise finanse and financial intermediation. However, its subject matter often raises problems from related disciplines, sometimes even going beyond the existing canon of knowledge. The purpose of this journal is to provide a forum for publication and dissemination of original research findings on financial markets, financial institutions and services, corporate finance and governance, public finance and taxation. All the necessary information (concerning e. g. the fee, the review process, the template) can be found on the website:
Nauki o Zarządzaniu/ Management Science Review
It is a continuation of ”Zarządzanie i Marketing (1995-2003) which was divided into two journals: ”Zarządzanie” (2003) and ”Marketing” (2004). It is a forum of exchange of knowledge and dissemination of research results in the field of management science. The journal publishes scientific articles referring to broadly understood management, marketing and logistics. They have both theoretical character and introduce legal aspects of management. All the necessary information (concerning e. g. the fee, the review process, the template) can be found on the website:
Społeczeństwo i Ekonomia/ Society and Economics
It is a continuation of ”Nauki Humanistyczne” published between 1995 and 2008 and ”Nauki Społeczne” (2009-2013) as part of Scientific Works of the University of Economics in Wrocław. It is a forum for knowledge sharing and dissemination of the research results in the field of social science. The advantage of the journal is its interdisciplinary character enabling to examine social phenomena from different research perspectives. It mainly includes articles concerning issues connected with demography, economics, philosophy, history, public communication, social policy and sociology. All the necessary information (concerning e. g. the fee, the review process, the template) can be found on the website:
Śląski Przegląd Statystyczny/ Silesian Statistical Review
It was first published as ”Przegląd Statystyczny Śląska Dolnego i Opolskiego” in cooperation with statistical offices in Wrocław and Opole between 1991 and 2002. It is one of four scientific journals in Poland which deal with articles on the statistics in its broad sense. The journal includes papers concerning methodology and showing the application of statistics in science and in solving real socio-economic problems. On the one hand it is a forum of presentation of current state of knowledge on the European (and world) development of statistical system and on the other of the articles on the development of statistical thought over the centuries. The number of authors from foreign academic centres are on the increase. All the necessary information (concerning e. g. the fee, the review process, the template) can be found on the website:
Mathematical Economics
It has replaced ”Ekonomia Matematyczna” published as ”Ekonomia Matematyczna” by the Department of Mathematics and Cybernetics since 1997. This yearbook includes original works dedicated to the application of quantitative methods in economics. The choice of issues discussed by authors is very broad. The detailed research subject in published works refers among others to general economic theory, equilibrium theory, game theory, macroeconomics, selection of social and equitable sharing, economics of the public sector, insurance, financial mathematics, problems of financial market, theory of decision making, elements of linear programming and logistics. All the necessary information (concerning e. g. the fee, the review process, the template) can be found on the website:
Management Forum
"Management Forum" is a quarterly which serves as a platform for exchanging views among scientists, researchers and entrepreneurs interested in the process of organization improvement and in the implementation of organizational changes in enterprises. Authors present research results, argue and discuss problems in the field of management sciences. They focus on management systems designing, competitiveness, intangible assets, improvement and organizational innovation. Relating these problems to the recent trends in business is a common field for theoreticians and practitioners. The journal is published on line. All the necessary information (concerning e. g. the fee, the review process, the template) can be found on the website: