There is a significant amount of innovation, adventure and soul-searching in our business and management schools. Thoughtful and well-trained people are conducting careful, rigorous research into responsible management education. The aim of the 2013 PRME Summit is to capture many of these lessons and make them available to the management education community worldwide. To that purpose, we invite you to present your brightest ideas in a 3 minute video at the Summit.
This platform is for people with clear ideas to communicate about their contribution to responsible management education, and we welcome proposals for inspirational videos that detail concrete action (organizational, research, teaching) at your business and management schools, highlighting how responsible management education is implemented at your organisation, as well as to inspire future actions.
The wider context of this Summit is the management education and private sector contribution to “creating the future we want,” which will influence the emerging Sustainable Development Goals that are at the heart of the dialogue around the post-2015 global agenda.
Accepted videos will be included in the outcomes of the 2013 PRME Summit, with select contributions highlighted in the Proceedings. All videos will also be highlighted through PRME media channels. Acceptance is subject to peer review, detailed below.
Proposals to be submitted as either a written document (500 words max) or a draft video (3 min max). Please view these guidance questions to help formulate the proposal. They may consist of:
- Personal stories of action, reflection and meaning-making
- Institutional stories and case studies
- Results of PRME specific research (e.g. Teaching business and human rights)
- Calls for action
Submission Requirements
- Proposals should be submitted by 4 August by email to The emails subject should be “Call Call for Video Case Stories – Video Interviews – 2013 PRME Summit”.
- Video contributors are expected to register and attend the Summit
- Proposals should be concise, well argued, and relevant to the Summit – which means that they should offer insight into Inspiration, Innovation, Implementation or Impact
- Proposals should be in English
- Sign and send the required release form
- Attach a photo of yourself (for use by on site coordinators only)
- Videos may be accompanied by a transcript, subtitles, or a summary. These may be prepared after the filming, and videos will be published only after these are received.
- If the proposal is a draft video, the email should include a YouTube link. All proposals will be peer-reviewed by members of a selection committee, who will provide feedback comments and suggestions. Authors of accepted proposals will be informed by 20 August.
- Accepted presenters will be given a specific 15 minute time slot in the studio, scheduled in the Summit Program, giving time to set up and test the sound, etc.
- Presenter will give a talk for 3 minutes to a camera
- Films should need minimal editing – to take out hesitations, pauses, and trips
- The films will be curated and published by PRME and CEEMAN as part of the event outcomes
Presenters can cite them as a publication