Almaty Management University (AlmaU) announces a competitive recruitment of candidates for faculty vacancies for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The start date for applications is June 1st.
All stages of the competitive selection are automated and will be held remotely on the portal, Competition for Faculty Positions meetings will be held online.
How to apply for the competition:
You can apply for participation in the competition through the portal of the Competition and Contract Commission -
On the portal, go to the "Jobs" section then
- By going to this section, select the School / Center you are interested in, and then the position that suits you.
- To apply for a position that suits you, click on the “Apply” function.
- This function will allow you to register, thereby creating a questionnaire for participation in the competition.
- After creating the questionnaire, fill it out according to the qualification characteristics of the position that suits you.
- After filling out the questionnaire, select the "Submit Questionnaire" function. This function will successfully submit your profile for evaluation by HR and the Expert Commission of the competitive selection.
If you have any questions, you can contact +77273133065 or email mail