The conference discussed global issues such as the development of entrepreneurship, innovation, management and leadership; the effect of the balance of globalization and localization on management and leadership; management development in line with the challenges and needs of business and society.
Over 150 representatives of 39 countries participated in the conference: heads of universities and business schools, representatives of businesses (KPMG Kazakhstan, Raimbek Group, Kusto Group, McKinsey Kazakhstan and many others), state organizations, diplomatic missions in Kazakhstan and international organizations.
More information is available online at and
Contributions are open for DBA and PhD candidates.
Submission deadline: 30 October 2015.
Author Guidelines
The papers should match the theme of the conference Localization vs. Globalization of Management Development in Dynamic Societies.
The title data should include:
– Headline (the name of article)
– For every author – first name, middle name and surname;
– For every author – academic title, academic degree, position, full juridical name of an organization, city, country, email address.
– Abstract (recommended volume – 250 words)
– Keywords – 5-8 key words and word combinations
– The main text should represent holistic material of scientific content, which contains results of authors’ original researches.
– Completed paper should be 5-16 pages, up to 5000 words.
– Fields – 20mm from all sides
– Interval – 1
– Font type – Times New Roman
– Font size – 12
– Paragraph indention – 1,25sm (automatically)
– All the pages should be numerated
Special requirements:
– The use of scanned tables, figures, diagrams, formulas and tables in the text are not allowed!
– Notes to figures should be placed directly under the figure with the reference from the list of used literature or phrase “compiled by the author(-s)”.
– Bibliographical references in the text should be in square brackets, for instance: [1, p. 277].
Contact Us:
General enquiries: +7 727 302 21 30,
Paper submission: +727 302-22-22, ext.149,