
Call for Papers on Ethics in Open and Distance Education
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Open education aligns with the principles of open science, emphasising collaboration, transparency, and inclusivity to promote knowledge sharing and improve education globally. In regions facing natural or socio-economic challenges, open education can help bridge gaps in access to resources and opportunities, fostering development through mutual exchange. As we explore innovative approaches to education, such as #AIEthics and #DigitalLiteracy, the need for trustworthy and human-centric systems becomes clear.
Globethics invite CEEMAN members to submit your papers to the Journal of Ethics in Higher Education (JEHE) for the upcoming Issue 5(2024), focusing on #Ethics in Open and #DistanceEducation

More information is available here:

The Journal of Ethics in Higher Education is a biannual academic journal published by Globethics Foundation based in Geneva (Switzerland). As diamond open access journal we make sure to provide the reader and author with valuable and concrete publishing service: permanent and free access to published scholarly works for readers and no publication fees for the authors.

Focus and Scope:
The focus and scope of the Journal of Ethics in Higher Education (JEHE) is to answer to the request made by many faculty members from Globethics Consortium of higher education institutions, Network, Partners, Regional Programmes and participants to Globethics International Conferences to have a new space on Globethics platform for the publication of their research results in a scientific Journal.
The journal is aimed for academic experts in ethics and education, working at the forefront of ethical thinking in global and intercultural perspective, academic integrity and the philosophy and practice of higher education.
Communication on the theme of each new Issue can be found in the Announcements, and is sent by email to all registered readers and authors. 

Open access:
Our type of open access journal is based on 1) no embargo period, 2) no requirement for users to register to read content.
A very low charge for the print version is necessary to compensate our costs. Reader can order print copies of each Issue from:, at a price of 15CHF (+ shipping).

Submitted-Accepted or Published versions of each article (the version of record) can be deposited by the author on their academic institutional repository or personal author webpage.

Issue 4(2024) has been released in July. The theme of 5(2024) planned for December has been announced, title: Ethics in Open and Distance Education. We ask all authors to share their contributions until 1 December 2024 to:

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