On September 13, an interactive lecture by Dr. Zoltan Buzady on Flow Psychology, Leadership Development and Serious Game FLIGBY was held in Almaty Management University. Dr. Zoltan Buzady has been experimenting and innovating at the intersection of leadership, psychology, cross-cultural management and strategy for over 25 years. His current research focuses on leadership theory and flow, combining it with ideas of self-development and change management, seeking to further develop leadership applicable in different cultural and situational contexts. The professor presented all this in the lecture and shared key aspects of his research.
In an interactive workshop, the professor introduced the basics of studying happiness and "being in the flow". The audience received first-hand tips and principles on how to find Flow in their personal lives and in their organizational and work lives. Twenty-nine leadership skills were presented that lay the foundation for leadership values in alignment with the principles of Good Business. Last but not least, the audience was engaged in exemplary leadership decision-making dilemma scenes provided by the interactive simulation game FLIGBY (www.fligby.com).
FLIGBY (Flow Is Good Business for You) is a world award-winning serious game designed using immersive and interactive video technology to deliver the Flow experience to managers and executives. It has also won awards for its pedagogical innovation, which is used in many leading business schools and in training programs for 12,000+ executives in organizations, ministries and corporations. Dr. Zoltan Buzadi is an Associate Professor of Leadership Development at Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary. He is known for his research on flow theory and its application to leadership, team building and organizational development. As a core faculty member, he served for many years as MBA program director at Central European University and formerly at Corvinus University, a full-time faculty member at an international business school, a coach and executive coach - winner of the Team Teaching Excellence Award 2022-2023.
Overall, Zoltan Buzadi is a respected expert in organizational psychology, leadership and management, and his work has made a significant contribution to the understanding of how to create high-performing and sustainable organizations.
Dr. Zoltan Buzadi also conducted a number of workshops on Flow & Leadership Skills Development via FLIGBY Serious Game for 10 students of DBA program in Almaty.