
Invited Talk during Fifth International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data Science IFIP Event-04620
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On 26 March 2022 Prof. Mieczyslaw L. Owoc, Professor Emeritus at Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, as the Event Speaker presented Keynote Talk on “Honeybee Democracy - towards Collective Intelligence”. In his talk he reminded details about honey bees’ intelligence, explained dimensions of collective intelligence and clarified relationships between democratization of honey bees’s processes and collective intelligence.

The last edition of the ICCIDS’ 2022 conference was managed as a hybrid event gathering scientist and students (mostly from Asia) presenting their research on computational intelligence. Details about the conference (managed as International Federation on Information Processing) are available on the conference website ( Prof. Mieczysław Owoc was one of 5 keynote speakers invited as a vice-chair of “Knowledge Management” Working Group ( – his talk is available on (link:

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