
Lazarski University celebrates 25 years of the Faculy of Law and Administration at inaugural ceremony
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We have assumed that the entire academic year 2021/22 will be held under the banner of "25 years of the Faculty of Law and Administration". The day of the celebrations began with a majestic session of the Senate during which the title of doctor honoris causa to Professor Michele Indellicato was officially awarded.

The next item on the agenda was the presentation of the Jubilee Book, edited by Professor Ryszard Stefański, prepared specifically for this occasion. The book describes the history of the creation and development of the Faculty of Law and Administration. In addition to the historical part, book contains 38 articles on basic topics related to constitutional law, administrative law, civil law, criminal law, and criminal proceedings. Authors published in English, Italian and Spanish.

In his speech, the Rector, Professor Maciej Rogalski emphasized the importance of Faculty's history "After many years of existence of the system, which did not allow for the functioning of non-public universities, Ryszard Łazarski, our founder and current patron of the University, in 1993 opened the Private Higher School of Commerce. The university was developing at a pace that amazed public opinion all over Poland, and studying there was the goal of bold and forward-thinking, ambitious high school graduates. From the very beginning, a primary goal was to build a history based on the highest quality of teaching by the best lecturers in the country. Today we celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the establishment of the Faculty of Law and Administration of Lazarski University. It is not a long period when we compare it to the functioning of ancient universities. This time, however, was used very well and consciously from the very first day the thought was born to arise".

"I could tell you about my department for a long time, just like you talk with a twinkle of an eye about your passion, fulfilling your dream plans, a goal to which you give your heart and soul with joy. Because this is what our University is, our faculty - created by extraordinary people, with a great history and great plans for the future"
- added the Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration, dr hab. Anna Konert, ULa Professor.

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