
Montpellier Business School launches new excellence programme “Act For Change”
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Facing the climate and social emergencies, MBS is implementing new pedagogical tools to train leaders of the transition. The Business School is launching “Act For Change”, a tailor-made, certifying and selective extra-curricular programme, enabling volunteer students to develop their leadership skills and share best practices for tomorrow’s world.


Ranked as the 2nd best school to change the world according to Les Echos START & ChangeNOW, MBS shapes its programmes around its expertise in CSR by offering the largest number of hours dedicated to this topic. Since 2020, students have been able to benefit from a reinforcement of courses dedicated to the managerial challenges of social and environmental transition. They are also able to take part in new pedagogical features such as the SDG Challenge Hackaton, the Responsible Leadership seminar or the Start-Up Week.

“With “Act For Change”, the school wishes to offer the most committed students the opportunity to join a community of pioneers who will benefit from additional pedagogical content with 90 hours of training and tailor-made mentoring to support their initiatives”, explains Dr. Cédrine Joly, Director of the Grande Ecole Programme.


Behind this new course of excellence, we find the MIND Chair (Inclusive Management and Societal Commitment) of MBS. “The training will be led by a committee of excellence made up of French and international professors and representatives of the school’s partner companies, as well as representatives of civil society,” explains Dr. Magalie Marais, co-holder of the MIND Chair.

The programme is divided into three educational sessions. The first, “IMAGINE”, aims to give students the ability to open up their world of possibilities and to develop the commitment that suits them. The second phase, “CONNECT” will enable participants to connect with others and learn how to generate support for a concrete action. Finally, “INSPIRE” will provide leadership keys to help students communicate and promote the projects they have set up.

“We want to give students the ability to inspire, to act individually but also for other students. They will be internal activists of the transition: they have a major role to play to support the transformation of their school, their peers and also society,” explains Dr. Magalie Marais.

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