
New publications released by Lazarski University
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We would like to kindly inform you about the publication of two peer-reviewed scientific monographs by the University Press of Lazarski University: "Project management in the era of digitization and increased risk", edited by Professor Aleksandra Laskowska and "Legal restrictions on the re-use of public information" by PhD Łukasz Nosarzewski. Both monographs were published in open access.

"Project management in the era of digitization and increased risk"- the monograph - which was created under the aegis of the Logistics and Innovation Center of Lazarski University - is the result of the work of scientists (Professor Aleksandra Laskowska-Rutkowska, Professor Beata Jamka, PhD Michał Pienias) and two students of the University who adapted fragments of their MA theses written under the supervision of the Scientific Editor of this publication (Katarzyna Bartosiak, Mariusz Gorzycki).

The issues included in the monograph concern changes and innovations taking place in the field of project management, which play an increasingly important role in the global economy. Their implementation employs nearly 90 million people in the world, and their share in the national income of individual economies is systematically growing.

The monograph fits very well with modern requirements in the field of project management, stakeholder activities and the necessary competences in the digital economy. The issues addressed are important not only for project management entities and enterprises, but also for representatives of science dealing with these issues and students.

"Legal restrictions on the re-use of public information" - subject of the monograph is the right to re-use public information based on the system of access to public information. It discusses the issues of legal restrictions, with the distinction between restrictions of a substantive nature due to the protection of public and private interests, as well as restrictions of a formal and legal nature.

Limitations resulting from the relationship of the right to re-use with other provisions of public and private law regulating access to public information, protection of classified information, protection of public-law secrets, protection of privacy and business secrets, as well as protection of intellectual property were examined. In addition, the analysis covered formal and legal limitations resulting from specific procedural rules for examining a request for re-use of information, the use of exclusivity agreements and the determination of conditions and fees for re-use.

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