
RTU Develops Master's Program “Digital Public Governance”
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Riga Technical University (RTU) is proud to announce the development of its new master's program, “Digital Public Governance”, specifically tailored for leaders in the public sector who are navigating the complexities of digital transformation.

As digital transformation reshapes public institutions, the need for skilled leadership in Latvia has become increasingly urgent. RTU’s new master's program is designed to address this challenge by equipping public sector leaders with the expertise to drive effective digital change.

The program is crafted to provide senior public officials with the knowledge and tools to lead effective digital transformation, ensuring public institutions remain agile, innovative, and responsive to societal needs.

Drawing on insights from global leaders in digital governance education, the program reflects the best international practices and aligns with frameworks like the OECD Digital Government Policy Framework. This approach will prepare future leaders to manage digital transformation in public administration while building resilience in response to global challenges.

This interdisciplinary program not only bridges technology, policy, and leadership but also offers opportunities for applied research and international collaboration, making it a unique platform for advancing public governance. The focus is on four key areas: digital transformation, artificial intelligence and data management, innovation in public governance, and governance methods.

Work on the program began in 2024 after RTU partnered with Latvia's Ministry of Education and Science to address the country’s needs for public digital governance and to improve the competence of state institution employees. In developing the program, RTU launched two pilot courses — "Digital Transformation in Public Organizations” and “Information Society Concepts and Principle” — for key public sector leaders in Latvia. These courses provided valuable insights into content, teaching methods, and competencies, which will shape the master’s program.

The program is being developed in close collaboration with representatives from ministries, municipalities, and other state and local institutions to ensure the courses meet their specific needs. It is being designed by RTU’s leading academics in digital governance, innovation management, and data analysis, alongside experts from international partner universities.

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