
What did you do for the planet? Contest at FME Gdańsk Tech
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Hub for the Planet is a unit based at FME Gdańsk Tech established to engage in a dialogue about the organisation's impact on society and to contribute to the idea of sustainable development.

We care about sustainability and our activities in this area make us a better place to work and study. What we do to support SDGs, you may check here. We noticed that recently the members of our community initiated a lot of activities which serve us all. We want to appreciate our efforts and have fun together. 

For this reason we organized the competition - the main idea is to gather all individual or team initiatives which support sustainable development, undertaken in 2022-2023, and recognize the best ones! We promote this competition with the posters designed by Karina Senatova, our 1st year Student!

All submissions will be reported to the Principles for Responsible Management Education by the end of 2023. Due to the report’s form, we will be able to outline the performance of FME departments and student groups and even compare them. 

Up to the end of June, we collect individual or team initiatives for the sustainable future (undertaken since January 2022 to the end of 2023). Laureates who submit the three best initiatives are promised by the Organizer the honor of planting a tree on the campus of Gdansk University of Technology during the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Faculty of Management and Economics.

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