Highlight your thoughts and ideas about the contribution publishers can make to the implementation of the UN supported Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) – through a 500-1000 word Perspective Statement!
Co-organizers CEEMAN and the PRME Secretariat invite contributions of Publishers’ Perspective Statements for inclusion in the 2013 PRME Summit – 5th Annual Assembly, scheduled for 25-26 September 2013 in Bled, Slovenia.
Perspective Statements will actively involve publishers in the dialogue at the PRME Summit.
They will be published in a Collection of Publishers' Perspectives, which will be one of the PRME Summit resource materials and outcomes and highlighted throughout the Summit and on the PRiMEtime blog.
The Summit will focus on New Ways of Developing Leaders for the Future We Want, which will be discussed through the four inter-related sessions based on the 4 “I”s of PRME - Inspiration, Innovation, Implementation, Impact. Publishers’ Position Statements, to be submitted in the format noted below, should share ideas, views, stories and experiences about how publishers can contribute to the implementation of PRME, and should focus on Impact.
Requested format for contribution:
Name, affiliation, address, and email address of the author (sent by email to Ms. Iryna Kompaniyets, CEEMAN Program Coordinator, at iryna.kompaniyets@ceeman.org) and Perspective Statement (500-1000 words) in attachment:
- INTRODUCTION (50-200 Words)
- Your views on the role publishers can play in promoting the impact of PRME, in particular your role in encouraging “research that advance [the] understanding about the role, dynamics, and impact of corporations in the creation of sustainable social, environmental and economic value” (PRME Principle 4 – Research) and “educational (...) materials (...) that enable effective learning experiences for responsible leadership” (PRME Principle 3 – Method)
- The challenges and opportunities you see, from a publisher's perspective
- How publishers, business school faculty members and others would need to work together to maximise potential impact
- The "solutions" you have already developed or are planning for the future
Submission and review timeline:
- Perspective Statement submission: 4 August 2013
- Publication: End of August, early September 2013
- Authors of Perspective Statements are expected to register and attend the Summit on 25-26 September in Bled.
Registration at http://www.ceeman.org/prme2013
CEEMAN and PRME invite publishers to participate as exhibitors at 2013 PRME Summit and 21th CEEMAN Annual Conference to be held on 25-27 September 2013 in Bled, Slovenia and to present their services, products, and projects in between the events sessions.
We expect more than 250 participants from more than 50 countries – leaders of business schools, universities, management development organizations, faculty members and researchers, business and HR executives, those responsible for sustainable business practices, UN Global Compact local offices and networks, governmental representatives and NGOs, youth and media.
The exhibition area will be located at Conference Hall in Bled and/or IEDC-Bled School of Management.
Publisher exhibition fees:
- Exhibition desk with two chairs; possibility to place your banner (max 2x2m) and use your own table cloth – EUR 750 (does not include delegate’s fee)
- Reduced delegate’s fee – EUR 650 (applies only to the exhibitors requesting exhibition desk)
- Company logo and web logo listed at the conference webpage – free of charge
For additional information please contact: Ms. Iryna Kompaniyets, CEEMAN Program Coordinator, at iryna.kompaniyets@ceeman.org
For additional information on the events, please visit http://www.ceeman.org