Champion Awards
I wish to express my gratitude to  CEEMAN for this recognition [which] belongs not only to me, but also to all collaborators in Estonian Business School and other schools and research institutions.
Ruth Alas,
Estonian Business School, Estonia

Champions 2019


Marcin WardaszkoKozminski University, Poland

Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Quantitative Methods & Information Technology at Kozminski University and Adjunct Professor at University of Applied Science Vorarlberg. Since 2003 facilitates simulation games and creates game-based learning experiences for learning. Author and Co-author of 13 digital simulation games and gamification systems for education, business and consulting. Author of many publication on games based learning and serious game design. President of International Simulation and Gaming Association, Fellow at Association for Business Simulation and Experiential Learning and member of Swiss, Austrian, German Simulation and Gaming Association. He is actively teaching, researching and publishing on the field of games and gaming for learning, teaching and engaging people. Enthusiastic supporter of games and gamification and member of gamification experts network, he believes that games and gamification will change how we learn and work.



Vlado DimovskiUniversity of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business, Slovenia

Vlado Dimovski is a full professor of management and organizational theory at the Management and organization unit at the University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business and has degrees in economics, philosophy, management and finance (PhD at Cleveland State, USA). He lectures at several undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral courses. His primary areas of expertise are organizational learning, learning organization, knowledge management, modern management theory and leadership, with the focus on domestic, as well as international environment. Professor Dimovski has taught and researched at the various universities and institutions worldwide. Professor Dimovski has published several articles in highly ranked journals (90+ published scientific articles), as well as 9 scientific monographs, next to numerous other works, as his bibliography includes 1,300+ units. He is also consultant for companies and international institutions and governments in the region through which he shares his experiences gained. In politics, he has served as the State Secretary for Industry (1995-1997), and as the Minister for Labor, Family, and Social Affairs (2000-2004) while Slovenia has entered the EU. He has been a member of various associations such as Clinton Global Initiative (2006), Lions International (2008), Beta Gamma Sigma (1993), and has also been the President of the Slovenian Swimming Federation (1997-2000). Professor Dimovski also heads the national program research group, with the focus on researching various issues related to knowledge management and organizational learning in contemporary organizations and is a Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (2016- ).


Institutional Management

Iryna TykhomyrovaInternational Institute of Management (MIM-Kyiv), Ukraine

Iryna Tykhomyrova is President of the International Institute of Management (MIM-Kyiv), a leading business school in Ukraine. She has worked in the field of business education since 1997. Since that time she has contributed to the development of the high quality business education in Ukraine by participation in and initiation of the successful national and international MBA programmes and development projects for the executives. She is an experienced manager, professor (management, cross-cultural management) and scholarly researcher. She served as an expert to the European Training Foundation on the assessment management training needs in countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

Dr. Tykhomyrova is active in the community. She sits on the Board of Trustees of the Plast - National Scout Organization of Ukraine, Advisory Board of the Bohdan Hawrylyshyn Charitable Foundation and “Den” Daily Initiatives Charitable Foundation.

She graduated from the Taras Shevchenko National University of Ukraine with a degree in cybernetics, and subsequently with an MBA from MIM-Kyiv. She was awarded a Candidate Sciences (PhD) in Economics by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Her PhD thesis was on the topic of special problems in developing human resources for higher management. The results of her theoretical and applied research have been recognised among the best in her field. She authored a number of academic publications, coordinated international and domestic research teams and has been a presenter at many international specialised conferences. In 2014 she was awarded the «Honorary educator of Ukraine» title.

She completed studies at the International Management Teaching Academy in Slovenia, and has participated in a number of internships at the Catholic University in Leuven, Belgium and the Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh in the US, and the University of Ningbo, China.