
Collaboration Source:
  • Partners
Collaboration Type:
  • Calls for papers
The ILA seeks proposal submissions from the global community that represent the best contemporary thinking about leadership from a diverse range of leadership scholars, practitioners, educators, program directors, coaches, consultants, thought-leaders, students, and other leaders and leadership professionals.
Collaboration Source:
  • Members
Collaboration Type:
  • Calls for cooperation
Dr. Zoltan Buzady, Corvinus University of Budapest, is inviting academic partners, faculty and institutions, who wish to adopt FLIGBY, an innovative Flow-Leadership development serious game (online simulation) at their university, business school or on corporate education teaching and trainings.
Collaboration Source:
  • Partners
Collaboration Type:
  • Call for papers
How many problems could be solved if we knew how to manage ourselves? In this increasingly interconnected world where people, goods, and services flow unimpeded, and with information technology making us more understanding of each other, complex problems seem intractable. Creating and transferring more and better knowledge, within and between organisations, countries, and regions is a key component for strategic health. Hence, managing our knowledge capability becomes a necessary objective.
Collaboration Source:
  • Partners
Collaboration Type:
  • Call for reviewers
To organise a high quality and knowledge generating conference in Glasgow, we need your full support. The track chairs rely on your commitment and expertise to build a meaningful programme. We hope to be able to count on you once more, or for the first time, and would like to you invite you to register as a reviewer for the EURAM 2017 Conference.
Collaboration Source:
  • Members
Collaboration Type:
  • Jobs
ALBA Graduate Business School (ALBA) seeks a faculty member at the Rank of Assistant or Associate Professor. The ideal candidate should have earned a Ph.D in Accounting, have great teaching experience and potential, strong publications record in top academic journals or the potential to do so, and experience/ desire in institution building. The position is available in September 2017 or earlier.
Collaboration Source:
  • Members
Collaboration Type:
  • Calls for papers
The 6th international Cross-Cultural Business Conference 2017 will take place at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria from 17-19 May, 2017. The conference is embedded in the annual “International Week” (15-16 May, 2017). The conference provides a platform for lecturers, researchers and practitioners to enhance their knowledge and discuss latest developments in the fields of management, business, higher education as well as innovation. Join the Cross-Cultural Business Conference also for taking advantage of many networking opportunities and a cozy, familiar atmosphere on campus.
Collaboration Source:
  • Partners
Collaboration Type:
  • Calls for papers
The International Journal of Management Education provides a forum for scholarly reporting and discussion of developments in all aspects of teaching and learning in business and management. This special issue aims to 1) review what has been achieved in the past decade of Responsible Management Education and 2) look forward to the next decade, which is likely to be dominated by the agreements made at the United Nations in September 2015 when the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were formally adopted.
Collaboration Source:
  • Other
Collaboration Type:
  • Jobs
Athabasca University’s Faculty of Business is a recognized leader in open and distance online education. AUFB offers a full range of business degree programs that include a Bachelor of Management, Bachelor of Commerce, Post Baccalaureate in Leadership and Management Development, Masters of Business Administration - the world’s first online MBA launched in 1994 – and a Doctorate of Business Administration.
Collaboration Source:
  • Partners
Collaboration Type:
  • Call for proposals
The call for conference proposals for EAIE Seville 2017 is open! The Annual EAIE Conference is a forum for the exchange of ideas between peers. Our Conference Programme Committee depends on your inspired submissions to make each conference a success. The 2017 theme is 'A mosaic of cultures', and we invite you to actively participate in the advancement of the field of international education by sending us your best ideas for workshops, sessions, Ignite© sessions and poster sessions.
Collaboration Source:
  • Members
Collaboration Type:
  • Call for papers
Following the growing interest in studying identity struggles in relation with strategy, we invite authors to submit their short paper to 33rd EGOS Colloquium in Copenhagen in July 2017.
Collaboration Source:
  • Members
Collaboration Type:
  • Calls for cooperation
Munhumutapa School of Commerce, Great Zimbabwe University, is seeking experienced research supervisors to assist in the supervision of PhD students commencing in the 2017 Academic year.
Collaboration Source:
  • Members
Collaboration Type:
  • Call for papers
The Journal of Inspiration Economy (JIE) is an international interdisciplinary open access blind peer-reviewed refereed journal strives to cater to the needs of those who want to contribute diverse papers that would contribute to create a positive change and inspiration to the economy directly or indirectly through improving our quality of life.
Collaboration Source:
  • Partners
Collaboration Type:
  • Calls for papers
Academy of International Business Central and Eastern Europe Chapter and Faculty of International Relations, University of Economics, Prague would like to invite you to the 3rd AIB-CEE Chapter Conference: Boosting the Competitiveness of Central and Eastern Europe: Towards Digitalization and A Knowledge-Based Economy, from 29 September –1 October 2016.
Collaboration Source:
  • Members
Collaboration Type:
  • Jobs
Ukrainian Catholic University in partnership with Ian Ihnatowycz Institute for Leadership of Ivey Business School established the first Leadership Center in Ukraine. The mission of the Leadership Center is to develop in this and future generations, Ukrainian business, public and non-profit leaders through world-class research, education and partnership with leading global institutes and institutions. There are many interesting cases of success in business, governance and non-governmental sector, which should be studied and analyzed. We seek candidate with high research potential or achievement and excellent teaching skills.
Collaboration Source:
  • Members
Collaboration Type:
  • Jobs
ALBA Graduate Business School (ALBA) seeks a faculty member at the Rank of Assistant / Associate Professor. The ideal candidate should have earned a Ph.D in Accounting, have great teaching experience / potential, strong publications record / potential in top academic journals, and experience / desire in institution building. The position is available in September 2016 or earlier.
Collaboration Source:
  • Partners
Collaboration Type:
  • Calls for papers
St. Petersburg University Graduate School of Management (Russia) in cooperation with ABIS – The Academy of Business in Society organizes TRACK: “CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY” in the International Research Conference “GSOM Emerging Markets Conference-2016” on October 6-8, 2016 in St. Petersburg.
Collaboration Source:
  • Members
Collaboration Type:
  • Call for participation
Successful start-up promotion enters fourth round with an additional grant of EUR 6,000 per start-up. Founders of innovative start-ups are invited to apply for the program offered by SpinLab – The HHL Accelerator at by June 28, 2016. So far, 18 startups have benefited from the support of SpinLab, winning multiple founders' awards (e.g. the renowned IKT start-up competition by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy) and raising funds through subsidies as well as capital from various investors.
Collaboration Source:
  • Members
Collaboration Type:
  • Call for participation
Kozminski is a school with a view and with a vision. PhD candidates enter a diverse environment for creative leadership that challenges their minds and hearts to create a better world. Kozminski is a leader in terms of addressing ethics, sustainability and corporate social responsibility, while exploring philosophical and artistic aspects of managing and leading. Creativity and innovation are at the very heart of Kozminski University PhD program.
Collaboration Source:
Collaboration Type:
  • Call for participation
CEEMAN invites faculty members and researchers to this pre-conference poster session to showcase their work related to the overall theme of the 24th CEEMAN Annual Conference: “Management Education for a Digital World”.
Collaboration Source:
  • Members
Collaboration Type:
  • Call for participation
The PhD Program „Digital Business International“ is a joint initiative of University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria (FH Upper Austria) and Johannes Kepler University of Linz (JKU) together with the local government of Upper Austria. The cooperation between these two universities is built on a successful Joint Master Program in Digital Business Management ( and joint research projects.